In the sixth episode, Brenna wonders about clarity and communication and how our relationships are always being negotiated, and chats with a student union insider about what we need to focus on right now.
Show Notes
In today’s episode, Brenna talked about communicating effectively with students. Getting students to read the syllabus is an age-old dilemma, but this piece from Tufts has some ideas on how to make sure the important information stands out.
(It didn’t come up in the show today, but when Brenna used to format her syllabus as a zine, students read it — she theorizes that they found it less intimidating, and the half-page folded size was easy to browse.)
You can learn more about TRUSU and the great work they do on their website. Contact information for Nathan and other staffers is available on this page.
After our chat, Nathan sent through this link about digital productivity; worth a read if you’re struggling (and even if you’re not).
Available for download as a .docx file here.
Available for download as a .pdf file here.